Unusual Valentine’s Day date/gift ideas:

Create a Teddy Bear – If your date is a touchy-feely snuggler and you wish to preserve your space let the cute teddy bear do all work. Many females love to have mementos of their mate’s affection. This gift is ideal if they’re on the sentimental side and they already have stuffed critters littering their personal space. For those with dates who are likely to view a stuffed animal as a giant dust-collector, read on.

Romantic coupon book – No, this has nothing to with grocery shopping (unless you’re really creative). The coupons themselves are the premise for the date. Some propose a remote picnic for two, candle-lit dinners, events designed to leave you and your mate starry-eyed. Others suggest experimentation in the bedroom, or out of it. Chances are you can find a booklet to meet your expectations. They are often found at bookstores. A word of advice to all would-be coupon book buyers: Don’t give any coupons to your mate you’re not willing to make good on. Disappointment is hard to stomach on V-day.
Only the brave: For those with low inhibitions or a least a good sense of humor, a shopping trip to Chocolate Walrus, Fantasy Faire, or Romantic Sensations may be in order. You may want to pick up a Candy Bra, Garter Belt, and Thong from Chocolate Walrus or any number of other naughty items. For you shy violets who blush at the thought of roving through rows of lingerie, there’s always the internet.
Alternate Valentine’s Day celebration:
Night out: For those belong to the Lonely Hearts Club, a night on the town with your best girl (or guy) friends is in order. Raise your middle finger to the corporate sanctioned holiday of love and commerce. Hallmark and See’s Candies are the only ones really happy during this sham holiday. For the rest of us, it’s a day to commemorate disappointment. So buck tradition. Raise your shot glasses high to an evening of good friends and good laughs. If you’re in the mood for a tropical, alcohol-induced haze I recommend stopping by the raucous Rum Bullions in Silver Legacy and splitting a “Flaming Kava Kava” with five of your good friends. Yes, it’s so alcoholic that it lights on fire! Hope you like the taste of Bacardi 151. Just make sure you don’t end up in a loving embrace with a toilet seat.
Blockbuster romantic comedy videos and bonbon fest: This can be celebrated solo or with a group. “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is quickly becoming a classic. “Sliding Doors” with Gwynth Paltrow is an entertaining move, and by the end it will convince you that things generally happen the way they should. Like most European films everyone but Gwynth has screwed-up teeth including the main love interest. “Four Weddings and a Funeral” is an unconventional, macabre love story. While we’re on the topic of Hugh Grant movies, for a good laugh I recommend “9 Months.” Robin Williams is in it and I’m still convinced of his comedic genius when he’s not in children’s films. For a slower-paced romantic comedy with mid-life realism, check out “Must Love Dogs.” Yes it has John Cusack. Nuff said. If you have other movie suggestions write in. We’ll publish it.
If you’ve got great ideas please post them below. Give a clue to the romantic-impaired and would-be Romeos. Or share your idea for an alternate V-Day outing.
Another great Valentine's day idea that's a little off the beaten path is a game called Playing The Field. It's a question asking card game comprised of 4, 52 question card decks (1st Base thru Homerun). Whether you've been married for 10 years or are newly dating, it's amazing what you might find out about your mate! It gets the conversation flowing & because the decks are set up like standard card decks...you can play a million other games as well!
It's chilly outside so swing by the local gourmet deli, grab a to-go candle light dinner & snuggle up next to your honey with a bottle of wine & Playing The Field. It's available online at www.playingthefieldcardgame.com and can be shipped overnight just in time for Valentine's Day delivery.
Thanks Robin for that great suggestion. That sounds like a lot of fun.
I love finding creative Valentines Day gifts that are totally unique.
Finding unusual gift ideas can be a lot of fun. Whether it's for Valentines day or some other occasion, I get a real kick out of finding something quite unique.
It's a Valentines Day message written in sand, accompanied by a special certificate recording the message. A momentary sandmessage of love.
All that's needed from you is to dream up the most creative and romantic Valentines message that you can that will set your mans heart racing.
The perfect way to deliver a romantic Valentines day message. It's about as romantic as it gets.
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