Tuesday, February 20, 2007

'Brilliant' Sacremento band stops in Reno on their way to stardom

With an electrifying screech of guitars and a sonic boom blast of the drums, Sacramento post-punk tech pop band Brilliant Red Lights blew up the stage on Friday night at the Satellite lounge.

Known for their wild punk-style stage antics and thunderous frantic sound, the three friends have toured all around Nevada, California, Oregon, Idaho and many other states in the nation in their trusty Astro van. They’ve played at bars, clubs, outdoor concerts, and campuses, and don’t plan on stopping anytime soon.

Their ambition is powerful, and it’s evident in their incredible showmanship. Drummer Noah Clark thrashed his drum set in a Keith Moon-esc extravaganza. Evan Michalski marched up and down the stage, swinging his bass guitar around his neck like a mad man and lead guitarist Aaron Davidson belted out his piercing vocals that echoed off the walls of the lounge.

The crowd gathered around the stage for the band’s inconceivable, in-your-face performance. Between songs, a loud robot voice vibrated through the loud speaker with futuristic style catch phrases.

Their goal is to leave the crowd breathless, a mission that is always accomplished. After the show, the boys, drenched in sweat, mingled with the crowd and stayed for drinks.

While many bands pack up and hit the road moments after the show, Brilliant Red Lights like to hang out and get to know their audience. They have a massive collection of “BRL friends and family” in every city who they like to keep in touch with. Their devotion to their fans is extremely loyal, a memorable trait that is important when constantly touring.

They have a remarkable album, “Touch Like You Want It”, and are currently working on a brand new album due out later this year. The future looks grand for these revolutionary rock stars; Brilliant Red Lights plan to become a house hold name.


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