The 20 Worst Cover Songs in Pop Music History

When I first read over's 20 Worst Cover Songs in Pop Music History, I knew I would be in for a gut-wrenching good time.
But I was not prepared to relive and unfortunately never forget this gruesome group of pop music massacre. Most of the songs that are on this list may make you want to throw up in your mouth a bit.
Remember Hilary Duff’s screechy rendition of Classic Rock legends, The Who's "My Generation"? Neither do I, but 8 seconds of this song is enough to make your skin crawl.
Macy Gray’s creepy version of Aerosmith’s Walk This Way just may be hazardous to your health.
And thanks to the film Gothika, we were forced to watch Limp Bizkit’s Behind Blue Eyes, another classic by The Who. Fred Durst should be happy Mr. Townsend didn’t break a guitar upside his head.
So listen for yourself and tell me what you think. Wait until you seeCeline Dion shake her laffy taffy as she wails ACDC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” .
The only one I have to disagree on is No Doubt’s Talk Talk cover of “It’s My Life”. Come on, I love that song! Maybe they should replace that with William Shatner’s ‘Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”.
Shatner rocks!
Hahha Myrna, you WOULD say that.
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