Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter Party at Borders

If you haven't seen it already, venture over to my Harry Potter Party gallery at Borders on Friday night.

I arrived around 11pm and found myself lost in a sea of Potter people, many dressed up as wizards, witches and students of Hogwarts.

Many fans also wore stickers that based on whether they believed the character of Snape would be loyal or betray. What do you think will happen??

I felt a bit out of place at first but was soon welcomed by the swarm of giddy fans bouncing and shaking with excitement. From the pictures you can see the enthusiasm in everyone. It's wonderful that a book can get so many people of all ages reading!!

A few of the pictures were taken by Rachel Levy, special to the Reno Gazette-Journal, as she went earlier in the evening to catch more pictures of kids.

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