Famous faces in their golden years...

Most of us can wait for our days as senior citizens, but have you ever wondered what you may look like as an elder?
A small peek may be possible with expert Dr. D'Lynn Waldron, a scholar, author and artist who specializes in the art of "age-processing". She specializes in adding years onto one's photo to see what they may look like in their later years due to their genetics, health and lifestyle.
The New York Daily News posted an article about Waldron's amazing photos and the celebrities she used with for her ageing process. She takes famous faces like Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, and Paris Hilton and adds years onto them-a process that can take at least 40 hours on each face, two weeks for Hilary's photo!
In the article, Waldron explains what she keeps in mind while she is working...
"I begin with the bone structure and then build the muscles over it ... in much the same way I would build up volume with clay in sculpting. I try to show the personality, and perhaps just a bit of the soul, in the eyes and the set of the mouth. My portraits do not predict the future, but only show what it might be in certain circumstances."
So after looking at some of these photos, you may not want to see your own. But then again remember, it's not 100% correct, just an educated guess. You also may want to rethink the way you take care of yourself so the years can treat you right. Everyone gets old (if you're lucky enough) but don't fear the future-enjoy the now!
Take a look at the rest of Waldron's photo's at The New York Daily News Gallery.
Go to Waldorn's age processing website.
Old Lady Hilton, one of Waldron's images,
"She reminds me of the privileged elderly women with pink hair who attended benefits and charity galas 40 years ago," Waldron says.(DAILY NEWS)
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