Elijah Wood to play Iggy Pop!?!?

It seems as if hell has finally collided into the earth as Variety.com has released an article confirming that Elijah Wood (a.k.a Frodo Baggins) is set to play Iggy Pop in a biopic entitled "The Passenger".
Now just think about that for a minute, I apologize if you've spit up your morning coffee all over the computer screen. I know, it sounds like somebody has definitely lost their mind.

Wood, with a constant look of fear in his face and delicate stature, is the kind of guy who looks like that one boyfriend you were too scared to break up with because you didn't want to make him cry so you stuck it out another grueling six months and dealt with the uncomfortableness of guilt.
Don't get me wrong he's a terrific actor and he was pretty terrifying in Sin City, a role that I'm sure made a lot of people poop their pants.

Iggy Pop is a 'street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm'!
The man is a vicious, self-mutilating beast of rock, better known as the "godfather of punk". With his lean, leathery body and wild stage antics he's been famous for since the late 1960s, Iggy Pop looks like he could take on a 4,000 pound mack truck.
Although Pop, 60, has made little commercial success in the five decades that he's been making music, his ballsy lyrics and monstrous stage presence is like a rabid wild cat oozing with sexual deviance.
Without Iggy, bands like The Sex Pistols, The Clash, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers and so many more would never exist.
They couldn't, Iggy created the image of the blood thirsty punk.
Thus imagining Elijah Wood as Iggy Pop is increasingly hard to swallow, but then again that is the job of an actor. If Wood can mold himself into the head Stooge than give that man an Oscar! We shall see, and I wish Mr. Wood good luck!
The film is set to hit theaters in 2008 and directed by Nick Gomez (Drowning Mona).
"The Passenger" is about Pop's early years and his days with the Stooges. According to the article Pop has given the film "his blessing" but will not appear in it.
Go to Amazon.com and buy an Iggy Pop album for goodness sake's!
i don't know how Wood will be able to pull this one off. maybe a younger Iggy Pop, but even still, i just don't see the spry and leathery body happening. elijah takes too many vitamins to look that haggard! if any of you enjoy celeb parody, check out Hollywood Zombies (http://www.hollywoodzombies.com) trading cards. They're by the same people who did Garbage Pail Kids, and they're definitely a good chuckle; i work for them, so i wanted to spread the good word. They have one for Elijah Deadwood and other such as Paris Hellton, Scary-Kate and Ghastly, Slayomi Campbell. such a laugh, right?
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