Awesome Music Video Wednesday

I would just like to announce my upcoming big move to Atlanta,Georgia in two weeks. I'm packing my bags and heading south with my boyfriend to greener pasture and leaving behind my home state of Nevada. Come on, I've been here for almost 23 years and the time has DEFINITELY come.
Please, no, don't cry for me readers, you'll find me again. Although I'll be leaving my beloved blog behind I plan on converting it to an independent blog-which means the weird can only get weirder. Look for me on the web in the fall!
It's time to shed my audacious college girl persona behind and venture into the adult world (i.e. welcome to hell). That's why I chose Sublime's Bad Fish for today's AMVW.
Sublime, to me, represents the lazy and reckless days of my youth. Easy, west coast style; living in your swim suit all summer long, sneaking into movies, staying up all night and sleeping all day, getting into trouble and madness and just looking forward to the next day. You always think that these days will never end-until you get that wake up call that forces you to grow up.
Sublime was always playing-at the pool, in the car, in our bedrooms and at parties. Road trips to Santa Cruz and San Francisco were spent listening to Bradley Nowell's perfect pitch that every girl fell in love with. The cool sounds of dub style rock that went along to the beat of your heart.

Another tragic talent in the world of music that died much too young, Nowell died at 28, just one year older than those in the "club" of rock star prodigies who died at 27 (Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison and Cobain).
They all died young, stuck in time forever holding onto their troublesome youth. Although it's extremely difficult to make the transition to adult life it should be seen not as a punishment but as part two of your life on this planet.
Sublime is my true first love for sure, so please enjoy the nice and easy sounds of "Bad Fish". And remember, growing up isn't so bad, you should be proud you made it this far!
Labels: awesome music video wednesday, Sublime
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